Monday, March 12, 2018

2018: Karate Kids at East Coast Martial Arts

 We had another round of Karate Kid photos at East Coast Martial Arts this month. East Coast has also added a Kids' Jiu-Jitsu class three times a week.  Sisters Abby & Addy are showing off their Jiu-Jitsu gis in black and pink.   This duo are girl scouts, singers, dancers, do tons of charity work with their awesome parents....all in addition to Karate and Jiu-Jitsu all week long. 
 Abby and Rory are also sisters wearing their Jiu-Jitsu gis.  Abby just earned a new belt in Karate too, and Rory is a fierce soccer player. They are both girls that you don't want to mess with!
 There is nothing cuter than the Kefalas kiddos.  Harrison has his red belt, Arianna brown tip and Johnny has his orange belt. They all train together.
Ian has held his tenacity for years and is on the road to his black belt.
Chloe is also a karate kid who has been enjoying Jiu-Jitsu.
I snuck in a few shots of the instructors that were teaching and training that day. 
Mr. Poinar, Mr. Ciconte, Mr. Kuhn, Mr. Moser, and Mr. Garton

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