Wednesday, December 25, 2019

2019: Family Photos

My Family

Just like every other client, my family knows we only need one really good shot!  But it sometimes takes 10-15 shots to get that special one.   This was the good shot.  But check out below.

This is not what I wanted.  Lily thought she was being funny.  But after we looked at it a few times..Jason and I both thought...this about sums up our life with a teenager.  It is what it is, but kind of funny at the same time.  A few special family members got this as their holiday card.  I'm sure Charlie will have his moments:)

Then we got  a few more cute ones with Llewsie & Belle.
Happy Holidays from our house to yours!

Thank you to all of my clients for an amazing 2019!  Starting January 2, I'll be scheduling for 2020.